403-597-9422 livlands@telus.net


Ellis Bird Farm


Ecological Landscape Design


Lacombe, AB

From 2002 – 2017 Cynthia was the head gardener at the Ellis Bird Farm, located east of Lacombe, AB. The Ellis Bird Farm is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of habitat for indigenous birds. As head gardener Cynthia designed, installed and managed a 5 acre public garden showcasing ecological landscaping principles that support biodiversity. These gardens included The Butterfly Garden, The Hummingbird Garden, The Water Garden, The Purple Martin Apple Orchard, The Cavity Nesting Habitat Garden, The Xeriscape Garden, The Tea House Garden and Winnie’s Heirloom Plant Garden.  

One of many memorable quotes from an EBF visitor:  “The Ellis Bird Farm gardens are stunningly beautiful. I have been to gardens all over the world and I just wanted to tell you that the EBF gardens are even more impressive than the Monet gardens in France.”